A message from our Independent Chair, Andy Rabey:

I am delighted to be joining Bexley as the new independent chair of the Bexley Safeguarding Adult Board.

I look forward to sharing my passion for Safeguarding with different agency staff, volunteers and charities who work hard to support vulnerable people living and working in Bexley.

Safeguarding Adults requires commitment and passion in protecting and enabling people with vulnerabilities to live a full and active life, be safe in their homes and active within their communities. The last two years has been a struggle for many people, and I am aware of the sacrifices that people have made in keeping others safe.

I am aware of the incredible efforts made by all front-line services, charities, neighbourhoods, and voluntary groups during the Pandemic to protect and support vulnerable people.

In looking ahead, I would like to build on the tremendous work already in place throughout Bexley and I am keen to ensure that this continues.

I am particularly keen to ensure that all services work collaboratively, and I will be leading on ensuring all agencies promote a collective responsibility for building Safeguarding systems. I want to ensure that the voice of people with a lived experience of Safeguarding in Bexley have their voices heard and that the provision of services is cognisant of their individual needs and challenges.

I look forward to meeting with many of you in the next few months as I settle into my new role and would invite you to contact me to introduce yourself, your team, your charity and tell me of your desires for the future of Safeguarding Adults in Bexley. You can contact me by e-mailing me at andy.rabey@bexley.gov.uk

For more information regarding the Bexley Safeguarding Adults Board, please read our published materials on the Publications Tab above or email Anita Eader, Practice Review & Learning Manager or Coordinator Alexandra Gregory at bsab@bexley.gov.uk

In closing, if you are concerned that an adult may be at risk of abuse, harm or neglect from either themselves, an individual or an organisation, please make contact with the Bexley Contact Centre by calling 020 8303 7777.

All agencies with full or associate membership of the SAB agree to subscribe to the underpinning values, principles and definitions laid out within the existing and any subsequent revisions of the 'Protecting adults at risk: London multi-agency policy and procedures to safeguard adults from abuse'.

Partner agencies will:

  • Work together, as partners to deliver effective frameworks for improved safeguarding, prevention and best practice;
  • Actively promote, the empowerment, independence and well-being of vulnerable adults;
  • Ensure the safety of vulnerable adults, by integrating strategies, policies and services relevant to abuse within the framework of relevant legislation and promotion of human rights;
  • Respect the right of the individual to lead an independent life based on self-determination and personal choice;
  • Identify people who are unable to take their own decisions and/or protect themselves, their assets and bodily integrity, ensuring they have access, as necessary, to statutory (an Independent Mental Capacity Advocate) or other advocacy services, to enable a decision to be made in their best interest;
  • Ensure an assessment of decision-making capacity is undertaken where a vulnerable adult makes life-transforming decisions or choices that may adversely affect their well-being and protection from abuse or risk of abuse and where they do not have appropriate family or friends to support them;
  • Accept that the right to self-determination can involve risk and ensure that such risk is assessed, recognised and understood by all concerned;
  • Seek to minimise risks through open discussion between the individual and agencies about the risks involved and through the use of agreed protection arrangements and risk management plans;
  • Ensure that when the right to an independent lifestyle and choice is at risk the individual concerned receives appropriate help, including advice, support and protection, where necessary from relevant agencies;
  • Assure that the law and statutory requirements are known and used appropriately so that vulnerable adults receive the protection of the law and access to the judicial process.

Bexley Safeguarding Adults Board has published the following documents:


BSAB Strategic Priorities:

BSAB Communication & Engagement Plan:


Joint board Modern Slavery Conference material March 2018 -

BSAB Safeguarding Adults Competency Framework:

BSAB Mental Capacity Tools:

Information Sharing Agreement:

Bexley SAB Framework for managing allegations against a Person in Position of Trust (PiPoT) 2018:


Multi Agency Learning Forum (MALF)

This is a referral form for any agency or person within Bexley who would like a case to be considered for a learning event.

This includes:

  • Domestic Homicide Reviews
  • Safeguarding Adult Reviews
  • Practice reviews (children's)

Referral Form for Multi-Agency Learning Forum (MALF)

How is the BSAB funded?

The BSAB is a partnership funded through financial contributions from the three statutory partners:

  • Local Authority
  • London Metropolitan Police
  • Clinical Commissioning Group (CCG)

The BSAB is fortunate to have other contributors from the following partners:

  • Oxleas NHS Foundation Trust
  • Lewisham Greenwich NHS Trust
  • Dartford Gravesham NHS Trust
  • London Fire Brigade Bexley

Other member agencies support the Board by other means, such as financially contribution to review processes or engaging in the work of the BSAB Sub Group Members of the BSAB are expected to consider what assistance they can provide in supporting the Board in its work. It is in all core partner's interest to have an effective Board that is adequately resourced to carry out its functions.

About Us:

The Bexley Safeguarding Adults Board (BSAB) is a statutory body established by the Care Act 2014. It is made up of senior people from organisations that have a role in preventing the neglect and abuse from adults. Its main objective is to protect all adults in its area who have needs for care and support and who are experiencing or at risk of abuse or neglect against which they are unable to protect themselves because of their needs.

Statement of Purpose:

The Board is to protect and promote individual human rights so that adults stay safe and are at all times protected from abuse, neglect, discrimination, or poor treatment.

We will:

  • Not tolerate abuse
  • Reduce risk to adults in vulnerable situations, as well as reacting effectively when it happens
  • Ensure local systems aim to protect people at risk are proportionate, balanced and responsive
  • Work together to prevent harm and improve services
  • Ensure there is communication with the public to develop awareness of the need to safeguard and protect adults in vulnerable situations from harm
  • Provide information and support on how to access services to ensure the safety of adults in vulnerable situations
  • Hold local agencies responsible and to give good reason for practice relating to Adult Safeguarding, Deprivation of Liberty Safeguards and Mental Capacity.

The Board has a number of statutory duties as set out in the Care Act 2014:

  1. Ensure Statutory Partners are appropriately represented on the SAB.
  2. Develop and produce a 3 year Strategy and an annual Business Plan in order to direct the work of the Board that reflects priorities
  3. Publish a SAB annual report/accountability statement highlighting the Board’s progress and achievements in meeting stated objectives in the Strategic Safeguarding Plan and ensuring this is widely reported across partner agencies and organisations.
  4. Learn from the experiences of individuals, through undertaking Safeguarding Adult Reviews (SAR) in accordance with the national guidance of best practice and the Board’s SAR protocol.

Our Structure and Governance: The Bexley Safeguarding Adults Board (BSAB) meets on a quarterly basis (every 3 months) and is supported by an executive Chairs Group. The Chairs Group are the named leads of all the BSAB Sub Groups which also meets quarterly. The Sub Groups of the BSAB are considered where the work of the Board takes place outside of the statutory Board meetings.

The Sub Groups are:

  • Publicity & Communications
  • Local Implementation Network (LIN)
  • Serious Adult Review (SAR) / Best Practice & Learning Lessons
  • Performance Management & Quality Assurance / Training & Development
  • Engagement