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The Bexley Safeguarding Adults Board recognises and values the opportunity to ensure that the partnership learns, develops, and uses a reflective approach for all reviews.

This Protocol is designed to explicitly set out the statutory roles and responsibilities within Bexley for Safeguarding Adults Reviews and to clarify the governance arrangements relating to such reviews for the Bexley Safeguarding Adults Board.

Bexley have incorporated the requirements of the Care Act 2014, and are adopting the term, ‘Safeguarding Adults Reviews’ known as, SAR, for all safeguarding learning reviews regardless of which methodology is used to achieve learning. All Safeguarding Adults Reviews are of equal significance and value to the BSAB.

Safeguarding Adults Reviews are essential in helping the Board prevent abuse and neglect of adults at risk and learn from cases and situations that challenge us as a multi-agency partnership.

The Care Act 2014 makes safeguarding everyone’s responsibility to safeguard adults at risk and together I am certain we can achieve better outcomes based on the learning we receive.

It is important to remember that anyone can make a SAR Notification to the BSAB regarding the death or serious incident of an adult (or group of adults) at risk residing in Bexley.

It is the BSAB’s expectation that all partners and agencies working with adults in Bexley use this SAR Protocol and Toolkit to have consistency, governance and understanding of the SAR process and to embed the learning found through SAR.

It is my expectation as the Independent Chair, that all partners continue to give assurances to the Board by active participation in the review process and will continue to reflect, learn, and develop safeguarding practice in Bexley.

Andy Rabey

Independent Chair – Bexley Safeguarding Adults Board


Safeguarding Adult Review Flowchart:


Click on the flowchart below for the further details